Title | Marine Outfall in Taboada, Lima (Peru) WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant) | ||
Owner | Sedapal (Lima Water Management Service for Drinking and Sewerage Water) | ||
Budget: | 124 000 000,00 Euros | Years: | 2011-2012 |
Type | Marine Outfall | ||
Project Description | Construction of the marine outfall that will carry sewerage water to deep waters after being treated in Taboada WWTP, which treats water from 27 districts of Lima and Callao. This marine outfall, which carries treated water, is unique in South America due to its dimensions and advanced technology. The project solves the sanitary problem caused by dumping untreated wastewater through eight marine outfalls. | ||
Data | This is a 3900 meter-long pipe with a diameter of 3 meters, build in High Density Polyethylene. The first 400 meters are on land and the remaining 3500 meters are immersed in the ocean with the last 1000 meters being the treated wastewater diffusing end, with a peak flow of 20 m3/s produced by a population of 4 million inhabitants | ||
Our contribution | A detailed analysis and study of tides and sea currents in the outfall area will guarantee that treated wastewater will completely dilute without harming the marine environment. The company determined with the project-engineering firm Increa which size and model of valve had to be installed at each location in order to guarantee the required dilution at the available head losses. In order to have a constant flow outfall along the marine outfall, the sizes and diameter of the Rubber Duckbill Check Valves designed and supplied were 100mm, 150 mm, 200 mm. Waste water outfall dumping velocity was calibrated for each of the sizes. This marine outfall is especially complex due to the shallowness of the discharge, which is between 12 and 14 meters. | ||
Equipment supplied | – 170 units rubber duckbill check valve model CPO DN 100 mm – 164 units rubber duckbill check valve model CPO DN 150 mm – 166 units rubber duckbill check valve model CPO DN 200 mm |